Single Row: The solar pool heater systems PVC plumbing feed line is connected into one of the bottom corners of the solar pool array and the PVC plumbing return line is connected to the opposite top corner of the solar pool array.

Note: Never connect the solar pool heater systems PVC plumbing feed and return lines on the same side of the panel array. Doing so will reduce the systems efficiency at the opposite end of the solar pool panel array. See "Bottom End Feed Same Top End Return" diagram below.

Double Row: The solar pool heater systems PVC plumbing feed line is connected into one of the bottom corners of both solar pool arrays and the PVC plumbing return line is connected to the opposite top corner of both the solar pool arrays.
Note: All return lines from separate panel rows must meet at the highest point of the system before returning back to the pool equipment.

Note: All bottom solar panel headers and PVC plumbing feed lines need to allow for gravity drain. In tropic or sub-tropic climates, the solar pool panels and PVC plumbing feed lines may be level; in northern climates, they must be installed with a 1/4" per foot slope towards the feed. For more details please refer to the Vortex Install Manual for draining requirements.